domenica 30 novembre 2008

drunk but thanks : anonimous comment sunday 4 am

"...Scusate il ritardo...Io credo che al giorno d'oggi, in quanto architetti, stiamo attraversando un momento di profonda crisi che dura almeno da 50 a questa parte. Si sono perse le relazioni tra architettura, luogo e tradizione e dico provocatoriamente uno svuotamento dei contenuti dell'architettura stessa. Io credo, per questo, che per fare il mestiere dell'architetto, sia necessario recuperare quei valori di povertà e sobrietà dell'architettura, come qualcosa che ponga interrogativi sul nostro mondo apparentemente ricco che in realtà si ritrova privo di prospettive. Ecco vorrei provocatoriamente sottolineare la parola Sobrietà, perchè è un valore che abbiamo perso, in quanto architetti, e che ho perso io, in quanto persona. La continua dicotomia e la relazione tra pieno e vuoto, non è mai mezzo pieno o mezzo vuoto,hik, burp...hik...Io credo"

venerdì 28 novembre 2008

WHERE ARE OUR SKETCHES ?!? _________pt.2



A bright green object sitting on top of the elevator shaft of the former warehouse building Las Palmas acted in 2001 as a widely visible, three dimensional logo for its host building whose large, industrial spaces were temporarily used for various exhibitions during Rotterdam's year as European cultural capital in 2001. One of the exhibitions was called Parasites* and presented designs of small-scale objects for unused urban sites making 'parasitic' use of the existing infrastructure. The exhibition was curated and organised by Mechthild Stuhlmacher and Rien Korteknie, involving an international group of architects.Taking advantage of the enterprising atmosphere of the cultural year, one of the designs was built in full scale. The roof of the building amidst the varied, spectacular roofscape of the Rotterdam harbour area proved to be an ideal location.
The Las Palmas Parasite was a prototypical house aiming at combining the advantages of prefabricated technology and the unique qualities of tailor-made design. The limitations imposed by the size of the elevator shaft demanded a compact plan and volume.The object was supported by the walls of the existing building. Services like water supply, sewage and the electric installation had been linked to the existing installations.

mercoledì 26 novembre 2008


a little palafitte OSKA Architects...
Mazama, WA, 2005
.....1,000 square-foot weekend cabin
basically a steel box on stilts
can be completely shuttered when the owner is away.
Situated near a river in a floodplain, the 20’ x 20’ square
footprint rises three stories and is topped by the living room/kitchen.
Large, 10’ x 18’ steel shutters can be closed simultaneously using a hand crank..... [project page]

Want to buy 65.000 € house?

...a prototype of Lacaton & Vassal Architects

[thanks to Martina]

over the horizon....

From Le Mépris, Jean Luc Godard, 1963.

from archigram to skydiving

First Man in Space - Skydiving From The Edge Of The World (Extended Version) // On August 16, 1960, Joseph Kittinger jumped his last ... all » Excelsior jump, doing so from an air-thin height of 102,800 feet (31,334 meters). From that nearly 20 miles altitude, his tumble toward terra firma took some 4 minutes and 36 seconds. Exceeding the speed of sound during the fall, Kittinger used a small stabilizing chute before a larger, main parachute opened in the denser atmosphere. He safely touched down in barren New Mexico desert, 13 minutes 45 seconds after he vaulted into the void.

The jump set records that still stand today, among them, the highest parachute jump, the longest freefall, and the fastest speed ever attained by a human through the atmosphere. Somewhat in contention is Kittinger's use of the small parachute for stabilization during his record-setting fall. Roger Eugene Andreyev, a Russian, is touted as holding the world's free fall record of 80,325 feet (24,483 meters), made on November 1, 1962.
This video recently became known for another clip of the scottish elettronic music duo Boards of Canada, Dayvan Cowboy....

martedì 25 novembre 2008